Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Mounts of hands in Palmistry-The importance

When you see through your hand you will see some spots which are mounted on hand,four below the fingers,one below the thumb and three on other points.The understanding of these mounts is very important in palmistry and it can reveal a person's body,mental,emotional and moral approach and its character,fate and destination.
  • Every mount has some specific positive and negative aspects.
  • Every line which starts or stops on some mount carries specific meanings with itself.In this way some unknown line can also become meaningful.
  • The relevant fingers with the mounts also add positive or negative aspects to the mounts.
  • A good mount according to its shape carries five unique characteristics 
  1. The center of mount looks like a triangle.
  2. It appears below the finger or on the specific spots on hand
  3.  The finger with the mount is comparatively long
  4. The mount looks clear on hand
  5. The unusual swelled or plane mount shows disorders.
  • Whenever a mount is appeared on a hand the individual is representative of the qualities of that mount.He will have the same qualities of the mount for example venus mount will give the qualities of venus to that person
  • The symbols like star,cross,dot,triangle,line.closed circle or mole etc appearing on the mount carries unique characteristics.
  • A hand having all the clear mounts is precious.Usually two or three mounts are always present on the palm.
  • A perfect mount is very rare in the individuals.
  • Every mount is named on a star like they have some symbolic relation with these stars.
  • These are the seven mounts and eighth one is the part of Mars.

These mounts are :
  1. Mount of Venus
  2. Mount of Gupiter
  3. Mount of Saturan
  4. Mount of Sun
  5. Mount of Mercury
  6. Mount of Mars positive
  7. Mount of Mars negative
  8. Mount of Moon.